Nest Book Club FAQ

How do you find time to read?

The most common answer you'll get to this question is that reading is a priority.  When you want to do something, you make time for it and reading is no different.  Some suggestions for making reading a priority:


Should I keep reading this book/Does this book get better?

Each person will answer this differently, but it's ultimately up to the individual who is reading the book.  If you've given the book a good try and aren't enjoying it, go ahead and put it aside.  You can always come back to it later.  Different readers will enjoy different books.  Some of us give a book 50, 100, or 150 pages; others give up when the book becomes a chore to read.  Other readers can't tell you what you'll enjoy or if a book will get better for it, so use your own judgment and don't feel guilty for giving up something that isn't working for you.


Where do you get your books?